These are the details about each item inside the outputted Usage log file.
Basic items
Basic items | Explanation |
Timestamp | This is the time and date the event was requested or was completed. Times are Japan Standard Time (JST). |
UserId | This is the Sansan User ID. These can be confirmed from the Add/ Edit user screen. |
IpAddress | This is the IP address from which access was made. |
ApplicationName |
This is the application performing the operation. |
Event | Event name (Details below) |
Properties | Event - Property details |
Event - Property details
Event | Property |
SignIn | - |
SignOut | - |
SignInFailure | “Reason”:“DuplicateSignIn” |
“Reason”:“IpAddressRestricted” | |
“Reason”:“UnavailableSamlAuthentication” | |
“Reason”:“UnavailableTwoFactorAuthentication” | |
“Reason”:“WrongOneTimePassword” | |
“Reason”:“AccountLocked” | |
“Reason”:“UnavailableUser” | |
“Reason”:“WrongPassword” | |
“Reason”:“MobileApplicationRestricted” | |
“Reason”:“MobileDeviceRestricted” | |
“Reason”:“SamlAuthenticationFailure” | |
SearchBizCards | TargetUserId |
TargetUdepartmentId | |
SimpleSearchWord | |
CompanyName | |
CompanyNameEn | |
PhoneticCompanyName | |
CompanyKeyword | |
Department | |
Title | |
Name | |
PhoneticName | |
Address | |
Tel | |
SecondTel | |
Fax | |
Mobile | |
Emails | |
CountryCode | |
AdditionalInfo | |
ExchangeDate | |
RegisteredAt | |
LastUpdatedAt | |
Importance | |
WasExportedToFile | |
IsEmailUndeliverable | |
IsAddressUndeliverable | |
IsTelUndeliverable | |
IsFaxUndeliverable | |
HasUnrecognizedChar | |
BizCardIds | |
Memo | |
TotalViewPoint | |
Tags | |
TotalContactPoint | |
ContactTitle | |
ContactLocation | |
ContactMemo | |
ContactType | |
ContactImportance | |
ContactAt | |
LastContactAt | |
DuplicateOf | |
IsBizCardsRecentlyRegistered | |
Position | |
EntryStatus | |
IncludePastBizCards | |
IncludeBizCardsFromBizCardInboxOnly | |
ExcludeBizCardsFromBizCardInbox | |
$EventSource | |
ViewBizCards | BizCardIds |
$EventSource | |
DownloadBizCards | BizCardExportFileId |
Download Company,OrganizationTree | CompanyId |
CompanyName | |
DownloadContacts | BizCardIds |
DownloadOpportunities | OpportunityIds |
ViewPersonDetail | PersonId |
ViewBizCardImage | BizCardId |
ViewBizCardDetail | BizCardId |
ViewBizCardRecommendation* *This feature has been discontinued, but records viewed before it was discontinued can be output. |
BizCardIds |
ViewInterestedBizCard* *This feature has been discontinued, but records viewed before it was discontinued can be output. |
BizCardIds |
ViewHRChange | BizCardIds |
CreateBizCard | BizCardId |
$EventSource | |
RequestBizCardsImport | ImportJobId |
CompleteBizCardsImport | BizCardIds |
ImportJobId | |
ScanBizCards | BizCardIds |
$EventSource | |
CreateBizCardFromHRChange | BizCardId |
EditBizCards | BizCardIds |
EditPerson | PersonIds |
DeleteBizCards | BizCardIds |
RecognizeAsSamePerson | SourcePersonId |
DestinationPersonId | |
RecognizeAsDifferentPerson | PersonId |
NewPersonId | |
BizCardIds | |
SetAsNewestBizCard | PersonId |
BizCardId | |
ManualTransferBizCardsToSalesforce | BizCardIds |
SharePerson | PersonId |
Format | |
ShareBizCardImage | BizCardId |
ExportBizCards | BizCardIds |
$EventSource |