Registering business card data from an image file

Here we will show how to upload an image file and register it as business card data.



  • As digitization will be done by our staff, this will count the same as when scanning business cards.
  • Importance cannot be selected. It will be registered as "Standard".
  • This cannot be used to replace images of existing business card data. Images will be registered as new business card data.
  • Business cards images can be registered one at a time. You cannot register multiple business cards all at once.
  • Please don't trim card images, as it may not be properly digitized.



1. Click on "Create contact", then "Register Business Card Images from File".


2. Click on "Select Front Side of Business Card", and the select the image file. If there is also an image of the reverse side, click on "Select Reverse Side of Business Card" and select the image file.


3. Select the "Date Received", "Input Language", "Tags", and then click on "Register".


4. This card will be displayed as "Transcribing", so please wait until the data input is complete. Please be aware that after registering you cannot cancel this.


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