Viewing Reports

You can search and view Reports that have been created. The display format of the list can be toggled between "Company", "User", and "Report". Here we will explain the characteristics of the different display formats and how to search for them.


PC iPhone Android™

Characteristics of different display formats

Items displayed in all display formats

(Date) (Time) (Type) (Importance Flag) (Optionally set categories) (External attendees) (Department) (Title) (External Attendees [Department Title]) (Internal attendees) (Memo) (Completed by)
(Edit/Delete) [Setup Reminders] [Email]


By Company

-Here you can check Report information separated by the company contacted.
-This will be displayed by company, so if in one Report there are external attendees from multiple companies, separate records will be displayed.
For example, if in one contact report, Ms. A from Yonyon, Inc. and Mr. B from Gogo, Inc. are registered as external attendees, Ms. A will be displayed on the record for Yonyon, and Mr. B will be displayed on the record for Gogo.
-The "Edit" and "Delete" buttons will only be displayed on Reports that you yourself have registered.


By User

-Here you can check Report information separated by the user (Internal Attendees) the information.
-This will be displayed by user, so if multiple internal attendees are registered to one Report, separate records will be displayed.
For example, if in one Report, both Mr. C and Ms. D are registered as internal attendees, separate user records for Mr. C and Ms. D will be displayed .
-The "Edit" and "Delete" buttons will only be displayed on Reports that you yourself have registered.


By Report

-Here you can check Report information separated by the date of contact.
-The "Edit" and "Delete" buttons will only be displayed on contact reports that you yourself have registered.


1. From "Reports", click "List View".


2. Enter the criteria and click to search.

  • In the default view, the search is narrowed down to holder, type (meeting), online meeting, call, email, and other (notes). Change them as necessary.
  • Click on multiple icons to the right of "Company", "Name", "Email", "Title", and “Notes" to search with "OR".


Switching the display

Go to "Reports" > "You" or "Following" to switch between these options.

  • Type
  • Reports you took part in or Reports you added
  • Notes entered

* "Following" is only for entering type and notes


Switching the display

Go to "Reports" > "You" or "Following" to switch between these options.

  • Type
  • Reports you took part in or Reports you added
  • Notes entered

* "Following" is only for entering type and notes




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* Android is a trademark of Google LLC.

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