Checking Unreadable Cards

There are some cases when business card cannot be digitized because the image of the business card is not clear.
In this case, as it will be treated as Unreadable Cards (a card that could not be transcribed), after checking the business card, you will need to either "Input card by self" or "Delete and rescan card".
Here we will show you how to check these cards, and how to correct or delete them.



How to check

Click on "Create contact", "Unreadable Cards(Number)".


How to correct or delete

When correcting business card information, input every item on the right side of the screen, and then click on "Confirm". If it is not a card that you need, click on "Delete".



The display is done by business card holder (logged-in user). You cannot check the Unreadable Cards scanned by other users.


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