
Changing the date received of business cards

Here we will show how to change the date received of business cards. This can be done from the Business card details screen.


First of all
If you have done settings for "Use Hand Written Date" at the time of scanning, you cannot change the date received until the data entry of the card is finished. Please change the date received after the cards have been digitized.



<Before cards have been digitized>
1. The user who scanned the cards should log in, and then select "Awaiting Digitization", and then click on the "Awaiting Digitization" link of the relevant card, and open the Business card details screen.

* The image above is with the display setting "Cards with image".
 If the display setting is "Cards without image", the name will be displayed as Link.

2. The Business card details screen will come up. You can change the date received from "Contact Since".

* If you are setting for "Use Hand Written Date", this will be displayed as "Use Hand Written Date", and you will not be able to edit it. Please correct the date after data entry is finished.


<After cards are digitized>
1. Search for the card you wish to change, and from "Edit" of the Business card details screen you can change the date received.


2. After changing the contents, press the "Save" button.

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