
Login issues


Please contact your company administrator if your company is using SAML Authentication, as passwords are managed by the company server.


I can't access the login page.

Please view this help page if you are unable to access the login page.


I sent a request to reset my password, but I haven't received an email yet.

There are three possible issues:

1. The email was identified as spam

Try looking in your junk box or searching for the email.

2. Your email server has blocked the email.

Ask your company's email admin to whitelist the domain ''.

3. Email address is incorrect or not registered with Sansan

Please contact your administrator.


The "Reset Password" button on the password reset page is grayed out.

Your password may not follow your companies password policy. Ensure that your password follows your company's password policy.


My account is locked.

Your account will be locked after five consecutive failed login attempts.

Once locked, you are restricted from logging in even with the correct login details.

Please reset your password in order to unlock your account.

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