Relationship between Details about this person and Recognition as same person

Relationship between Details about this person and Recognition as same person.


Opening Details about this person

From the business card list, if you click on the Name, Details about this person will come up.

-If you would like to open up Details about this person, see [here]
-If you would like to edit business card data, see  [here]


Relationship between details about this person and Recognition as same person

-For how to do recognition as same person, see [here]
*When people with the same first and last names are not collated together as a person, they may not have met the conditions for recognition, or it may take some time until they are recognized.


Summary of Details about this person screen

-Go here for an explanation of each item on the Details about this person screen
-Go here to switch the most recent business card
-Go here to attach a tag to this card
-Go here to open Business card details
-Go here to correct business card data

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