How to change the contact person of cards and reports

Company administrators are able to change the contact person of any cards and reports. This is useful when cards are scanned in by wrong users, or when users leave the company which requires other users to be assigned as the contact person.


There are two ways of changing contact persons.

  • (A) Change ALL
    To change the contact person of all cards and reports belonging to one user.

  • (B) Change PARTLY
    To change the contact person of one or some of the cards and reports belonging to one user.


Things to note

  • You must be given administrative privileges in order to make any changes to contact persons.
  • Time taken for the change to be reflected in the database ranges from a few minutes to over 24 hours.
  • The user who created the report will be changed, but none of the colleagues who were involved in the report will be changed.
  • None of the users involved in leads will be changed.
  • The administrator will be notified by email when the change is completed.
  • Included in the migration are: private contacts, previously merged contacts, newly created contacts, imported contacts, and unreadable contacts/cards.
  • Cards currently being digitized will not be included.


Tags added after changing contact person

Whenever a contact person is changed, a tag is always automatically added to the respective card. This tag will appear as My Tag, which is public, and will include the names of the previous contact person and the newly appointed contact person, as below.

E.g. Changed from John Smith to Jane Doe.
Tag: [Changed]JohnSmith_20191001_123005(JaneDoe)


A&B: Initial step

Click Admin Settings then Change Holder.


A: Change ALL

Specify only the holders, and all the business cards and Reports that user has will be moved.


1. Select the current owner and the new owner.


2. Select Contacts & Reports and click Check data to be transferred.


3. Click OK to proceed.



4. When the status changes from Processing to Complete, owners of all cards and reports have been successfully changed.



5. You can also specify multiple users with a CSV file and migrate them as a batch.



B: Change PARTLY

It is necessary to prepare the target list beforehand, by creating a tag and adding it to the target contacts. This tag must be created by either the newly appointed contact person or a third party user, but not the current contact person.


1. Select the current owner and the new owner.



2. Select Cards & Reports and put a check on Migrate only some of the data. Select the appropriate tag and click Check data to be transferred.


3. Click OK to proceed.


4. When the status changes from Processing to Complete, owners of cards and reports have been successfully changed.


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