Editing cards during digitization

Whilst the cards are in the process of being digitized, users can view the scanned cards and edit certain details of the cards.


Things to note

  • Before digitization is complete, the data displayed is read by OCR (optical character reader) and is subject to change.
  • Scanned cards which do not appear under Awaiting Digitization Are likely to be Unreadable Cards. Learn more on how to view unreadable list.
  • Following actions can be taken whilst digitization is in process.
  1. View card images
  2. Add/edit notes
  3. Enter/edit date received and importance
  4. Visibility settings; shared or private
  5. Add/delete tags
  6. Setting reminders
  7. Reports: Register an attendee
  8. Register in Opportunities
  9. Click on the email address and use "Send Email".
    (See here for more)
  10. Click on the email address and use "Copy Email”.
  11. Specify as a bulk email recipient
    (See here for more on bulk email.)
  12. Card download
  • Only contact owners and users with permissions to update all data can do 2–4.

    Steps to take


    Confirm from the screen

    1. Click on Digitizing then select a card which is Awaiting Digitization.


    2. Click Edit.


    3. User can add and edit card data. Click onSave.


    Download and confirm


    1. Select the cards to download from the search results and click the download icon → Download Selected Cards.
Detailed instructions can be found here.


    2. Add "Digitization status" to the “Download" list under "2 Data Fields” in "Download Selected Cards".
    *If you don't add this, you won't be able to determine which cards are being digitized or have already been digitized.


    3. Under “Options", uncheck “Exclude contacts being digitized" for the target download and then download.


    4. From the downloaded CSV file, you can check the following digitization statuses



    • Cards not shown under Awaiting Digitization may be treated as Unreadable Cards.


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