
Regarding individual items in the file (Adding, editing, deleting multiple departments at the same time)

You can add departments, change their names, change the order they appear in, and delete them by using a CSV file.  Here we will explain each item in the CSV file. For how to do setting, see here.


Item Input Rule Memo
(Cannot edit) Department ID Editing this, whether when adding, editing, or deleting, is not allowed.

This is an ID for identifying and managing the departments. They are automatically issued by the system when a department is added.
Department Name (Layer 1) The following conditions must be met:
1. The department name must be 30 characters or less
Department Name (Layer 2) The following conditions must be met:
1. It must be connected to the department above it in the first layer.
2. The department name must be 30 characters or less
Department Name (Layer 3) The following conditions must be met:
1. It must be connected to the department above it in the first layer.
2. The department name must be 30 characters or less
Delete Flag If you wish to delete a department, enter "1" for this. If you would like to delete, first of all, go to the Add, Edit User screen and delete the users in the department. After that delete the department.


Other input rules

  • If the department you are trying to delete has other departments listed under it (in a second or third layer), it cannot be deleted. First, change the order of the departments and undo the layered relationship, or delete the departments under it, and then the department you originally wanted to delete can be deleted.
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