
Items in Approval Flow Batches (Meishi Maker)

A Meishi Maker admin can change approval flow settings for users to apply for business card creation and ordering. This page shows how to configure these users.


Items and explanations

Item Explanation
Delete Flag To delete a flow, enter "1" for the delete flag.
*To add and edit at the same time, edit the flow and add a new approval flow on a new line. You can also delete at the same time.
Approval flow ID The system automatically assigns an ID. To generate a new ID, leave this blank and then upload.
*An ID is assigned to flows already created. Be sure not change the ID.
Type of application Enter whether the approval flow is for card creation or ordering.
If it's for both, enter each on a separate line.
Flow name Name the flow to be created.
Description Add a description for the flow.
Authorizer 1 Designate the first user to authorize/decline the application.
Authorizer 2 Designate the second user to authorize/decline the application.


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