Smart Forms: Form Linkage Settings

Smart Forms link your company's forms with Sansan. Information submitted through your forms is then stored and used in Sansan. Linkage can be set up by adding the linkage code from Sansan to the HTML of your company's form.




A three-step process links your company's forms to Sansan. Set this up by checking the details pages for each step.



Step 1: Select the forms to be linked

First, select your company's forms that you want to link to Sansan.
Smart Forms: Form Linkage Settings (Step 1 of 3)


Step 2: Issue a linkage code on Sansan

Next, issue the necessary codes from the Smart Forms admin screen.
Smart Forms: Form Linkage Settings (Step 2 of 3)


Step 3: Integrate the code into your company's form

Finally, add the code issued in Step 2 to the HTML of the form selected in Step1.
Smart Forms: Form Linkage Settings (Step 3 of 3)

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