
PA Operation

PA Operation is a function enabling control of contact information on behalf of the card owner, such as by a personal assistant (PA). This section explains the PA Operation function. For admin settings information check here


Key Points

What the PA can do

  • Browse, edit or delete contacts
  • View contact updates
  • Set or edit Virtual Card


*The PA can access the account's contact information even if access restrictions are set.
*If the PA has different viewing access restrictions, some contact updates may not be displayed.


What the PA cannot do

  • Create new contacts
  • View and edit contacts the owner has set as private
  • Access contacts of other accounts.



Please select PA settings.


1. Select Account
Select which account to enter PA operation for.



2. Contact Management
Now you can manage the account's contacts as you can your own account's.



3. Contact Updates
Any changes will be identified as done by you (as PA).



4. Adjust display period
You can adjust the length of time that the update info is displayed.



5. Set or edit Virtual Card

You can set or edit the user's Virtual Card.

You can check it from here.

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