
About multilingual digitization & splitting cards

Digitize multiple languages

When you scan in a card with more than one language, you can select up to 2 languages to digitize it in.

With this feature, data on the front and back of the card will be digitized.


Click here on how to do this in the Scanner App.

Click here on how to do this in the Web App.




The 2 languages will be digitized as 2 cards, but they will be recognized as the same person. Learn more here .

Since in effect 2 cards are being digitized, this counts as 2 cards towards your digitization quota. If you set 2 languages for a card with only one language on it, two cards will be digitized and you will be charged for both. Please be sure to set the languages correctly.


Scans in two-sided mode

From version 3.1 of the scanner app, we added multilingual input. For version 3.0 or earlier, the scanner scans both sides for multiple languages.

This means that if the scan date is an older date, the card data may have been scanned in two-sided mode.


Difference with multilingual input

While multilingual input scans both sides of the card, it will split them into two different languages, even when those languages are on different sides. Split card simply scans each side seperately as it appears, and can only do so in one language for each side. It is therefore more limited in scope than multilingual digitization.



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