About images (Sansan Meishi Maker)

Register images so you can add them to your card data.

See here for more info on creating card data.
See here for more about Sansan Meishi Maker.


How to register images

1. Click on 'Referenced images'.


2. Click on 'Register image'.

  • Maximum image size is 100MB in total.
  • You can only register up to 10 images at once.
  • Only JPEG and PNG file formats are supported.


3. Confirm.


How to use images for card data

If you're applying for one person

1. Click on 'Create new'.


2. Click on 'Select file'.


3. Click on 'Select image' or upload a new file here.


If you're editing in bulk

1. Click 'Create/edit in bulk'.


2. Download either template.


3. Edit the template and add the image file name under 'Photos'.


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