How to create and edit card data (Sansan Meishi Maker)

There are two ways to create card data.

1. Manually create individually
2. Bulk import using a CSV file

See here for more info about ordering and allocating cards.
See here for more about Sansan Meishi Maker.


Create/edit individually

1. Click 'Create new'.

2. Enter required info in the 'Create new card' screen.

See here for more about templates.
See here for more about photos.

3. Once you've filled in the details, click on 'Create'.

You can immediately allocate to users if you check 'Allocate to user once created'.


4. Click on 'Edit'.


5. Edit the details.


6. Save.


You can immediately allocate to users if you check 'Allocate to user once saved'.


Bulk create/edit

1. Click 'Create/edit in bulk'.


2. Click 'Download template'.


3. Fill in card data in the second and following rows of the downloaded CSV file and save.
See here to find out more about each item.


4. Upload the file you created, then start.


5. Import status will be displayed in 'Status'.

Depending on the timing, it may take some time for the import process to start.

When the import is completed, an email will be sent to the operated user.

Error data can only be downloaded by the user who performed the import of the corresponding file from 'Status'."


1. Click 'Create/edit in bulk'.


2. Click 'Download file to update'.

3. Fill in card data, then save (Please do not edit the top row).
See here to find out more about each item.

4. Upload the file you created, then start.


5. Import status will be displayed in 'Status'.

Depending on the timing, it may take some time for the import process to start.

When the import is completed, an confirmation email will be sent.

Error data can only be downloaded by the user who performed the import of the corresponding file from 'Status'.



Itmes Details

0: Do not allocate cards when created
1: Allocate cards when created

In the case of 1, a URL to the screen for selecting the persons to be Allocate will be added to the e-mail sent when import is completed.

Card ID If you're updating a file, please do not change the ID.
If you're creating a new file, please leave the blanks as it is.
Template (front/back) Fill in the title for the template you want to use.
See here on how to check your current templates.
Image See here on how to upload images.




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