Changing the display of the business card management screen

The display of the business card management screen can be customized.



You can change the display order from the drop-down menu in the upper right of the contacts list, and other display settings from the icon on the far right. The settings will stay in place after you log out.

Sort by You can change the display order for descending or ascending order of "Name", "Company", "Holder", "Received on".
Display You can select "Cards with images" if you would like the business card images displayed, or "Card without images" to have them not displayed.
Number of cards You can select whether on one page 30, 50, or 100 business cards will be displayed.
Changing display You can choose "Tags", "Notes", and "Address" as items to be displayed.


*If the cookies on your browser are disabled, the displayed settings will not be maintained.
*Display settings are saved on the browser. If you access with a different browser, you may need to make adjustments to the settings.
