
FAQs on Smartphone App



Q. The app is not working as usual or it is frozen.

A. By following the steps below should solve most issues related to the app not loading or frozen.

  1. Sync app with your Sansan account.
  2. Log out from your account, then log back in.
  3. From App Store or Google Play Store, update your app to the most recent version.
  4. Uninstall the app from your smartphone, then reinstall the app.
  5. Reboot your smartphone.


Q. The screen is still loading. What can I do?

A. It may be that the app has not finished synching with your account. Please follow the steps here.


Q. I cannot find the card I scanned.

A. Following factors may be causing this.

  • The app has not finished synching with your account. Please follow the steps here.
  • The card was not read as it was not digitizable. You may be hiding the undread cards, so turn this setting off from here.


Q. A message appears to say, either the card has been deleted or I am not authorized to view the card.

A. It may be that the app has not finished synching with your account. Please follow the steps here.


Q. Why is the total number of contacts in the smartphone app is different from the number on the web app.

A. It may be that the app has not finished synching with your account. Please follow the steps here.


Q. A message appears to say, I cannot view the map because I am offline.


  1. From App Store or Google Play Store, update your Google Map app to the most recent version.
  2. Log out from your Sansan account, then log back in.


Q. What should I do if cannot access my email software on Sansan from the iPhone?

A. From iPhone's "Settings", select the email software you want to use on Sansan.


Q. When opening the smartphone app, the screen appears to be all white.

A. You may be using an older version of Sansan. From App Store or Google Play Store, update your app to the most recent version.


Q. An error message says that the domain I use is already subscribed to a paid contract. What does this mean?

A. It may be that a colleague is already using Sansan's smartphone plan. If you would like to have an account with this plan, please request it to your company administrator.


Q. The number of cards displayed on the Smartphone app and the number displayed on the PC are different.

A. Perhaps you have not completed synchronization. From the Settings screen, do synchronization. For more details, see here.


Q. I cannot find the card I scanned.

A. Here are some possibilities.


Login and Password

Q. A message appears to say, I am not authorized to use the smartphone app.

A. It may be be that your company has set some restriction on users accessing the smartphone app. Please contact your company administrator to inquire.


Q. A message appears to say, either login email or password was entered incorrectly.

A. If you have forgotten your login email, please contact your company administrator. If you have forgotten your password, please have it reissued.


Compatible environment

Q. Which operating systems are supported?

A. See in detail from here.


Start Using Sansan on Smartphones

Q. How can I download the smartphone app?

A. You can download the latest version from the App Store or Google Play Store. See more here.


Q. Do I need to pay to start using the smartphone app?

A. No. There is no extra fee.


Q. Can I manage my leads on the smartphone app?

A. No. You can only access your leads from the web app.


Q. Can I search for tags on the smartphone app?

A. You can. Press the Search button on the top right corner of the screen, then search tags on Advanced Search.

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