Detailed information regarding what information is displayed when settings business cards as public / private.
Image | Business card image front / back |
Memo |
Memo |
Company | Company, Department, Title, Country, Zip Code, Prefecture, City, Street, Building, URL1 on the "Basic Info" Tab and Keywords on the "Company Info" Tab and Company (Kana), Company (English) on the "Others" Tab |
Name / Importance | Name, Name (Kana), Importance on the "Basic Info" Tab |
Received on |
Received on, Date of Position Change on the "Basic Info" Tab * If a Date of Position Change exists, it will be displayed under the business card exchange date on the "Basic Info" tab. |
Address / Phone / Fax | TEL1, TEL2, FAX on the "Basic Info" Tab |
Mobile | Mobile on the "Basic Info" Tab |
Email1 | Email1 on the "Basic Info" Tab |
Address2 | Zip Code, Prefecture, City, Street, Building, TEL1, TEL2, Mobile, FAX, Email2, URL2, on the "Address" Tab |
Others | Undelivered Flag, File Output Complete, File API Export Complete, External Links, Set as My Card, View Point, Automatically Added Notes, Written Date, Updated Date on the "Others" Tab |