The number of business cards is different

Q. Why is the number of business cards in Sansan for PC different than the number of business cards in the smartphone app?

A. It may be that the synchronization of the smartphone app has not been completed yet. Please try pressing "Sync now" on the Settings screen. For more details, see here.


Q. Why is the number of business cards in Sansan for PC different than the number of business cards on the tablet PC?

A. This is because the number of business cards are counted differently in these.

  • Number of cards displayed on the screen of Sansan for PC:
    This is the number of business cards you have. This does not include the cards that were automatically recognized as the same person within your data, cards that are not public, and cards that have been deleted.

  • Number of cards counted as cards processed by the Scanner app of the tablet PC:
    This is the number of cards that you have scanned within the given month (including cards that were photographed with the smartphone app). This includes cards that were recognized as the same person, cards that are not public, and cards deleted after having been scanned.


Q. Why is the number of my business cards decreasing?

A. This may be happening because, through the same person recognition process, cards are being collated as multiple cards from the same person. After this same person recognition process is complete, multiple business cards will be shown grouped together, and thus the number of cards you have will decrease. Please check to see if you have scanned the same card multiple times or if you have multiple cards from the same person.


Q. I cannot find a card that I scanned. What should I do?

A. Here are some possibilities for what might be happening:

  • It was collated with other business cards after being automatically recognized as being from the same person:
    If the date received is older, it may have been grouped behind another card by the automatic same person recognition process. For more details, see here.

  • It was processed as a card that could not be read:
    When cards that are scanned cannot, for some reason, be changed into data, they are considered cards that could not be read. For more details, see here.

  • On it there was a character that could not be entered, so the search did not find it:
    If there is a character that cannot be read on the card, you may not be able to find it using the keywords you assumed would work. For more details, see here.

  • The card you scanned has not been sent yet:
    It may be that the card you scanned has not been sent to the center yet. For more details, see here.


Q. Why are card numbers displayed on the PC and the numbers shown in Usage Record different?

A. The number of business cards shown in the Usage Record include cards that have been deleted, so the number here may be different than the number shown on the Business card management screen of Sansan for PC.


Q. Why are the number of cards that have tags attached to them and the number of recipients for bulk email delivery different?

A. For more details, see here.


Q. I would like to know the number of cards we have scanned. What should I do?

A. Please check on the tablet PC.

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