
Import company risk lists


By importing company risk lists here, you can manage them centrally.
*This function is only available to risk check managers. To learn more about risk check managers, go here.



1. Prepare file

From 'Assessment required' then 'Assessment History', click on 'Import File'.
Click on 'Download template' and create your CSV file according to the rules below.


Input rules

Item Required Character limit Max. characters N.B.
Contact name No line breaks allowed Up to 250 characters Enter contact name.
Address No line breaks allowed Up to 1,000 characters Postal codes are optional.
Phone number   Only numbers or these symbols:
+ - ( ) . # _
Up to 30 characters Enter phone number.
Assessment - Up to 1 character Input 1 for failed companies and 0 for passed companies.
Text to show in company details   No line breaks allowed Up to 64 characters The text will be shown in the company details with the assessment results.
Notes   Unlimited Up to 1,000 characters Add reasons for assessment.



  • The maximum file size is 50 MB, and the number of companies in the file is limited to 100,000.
  • If the status is 'Importing', you cannot start a new import.
  • The file name should not exceed 100 characters.


2. Import file

Click on "Import companies/people you want to integrate" and import the file.
You'll get a preview of the file.
Once you've checked it, click on 'Start'.


3. Check import results

Once the import is complete, an email will be sent to the risk manager.
From that email, they'll be able to view the results.



Type Details Who can download
Done Companies that were successfully imported. Any risk check manager or user specified by the admin can download from "Assessment History".
Couldn't combine duplicates Companies were successfully integrated into "Assessment History", but the contact info in the imported file was not linked to the company database in Sansan.
"Please download these companies, check for any errors, and reupload as necessary. However, please note that there is a possibility that the company isn't in your company database in Sansan. "
Only the person who imported the file can download it
Import failed Contacts that couldn't be imported due to exceeding the character limit or including typos.
Please download these contacts, make edits, and reupload as necessary.
Only the person who imported the file can download it


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