
Optional settings for business card data download (export)

Here is an explanation of each of the optional settings.

To be downloaded

Cards being digitized are not downloaded Only cards that have been successfully digitized can be output. To download cards that aren’t digitized yet, you can add the "Digitization status” field to check on their progress. (More information on cards that aren't yet digitized can be found here.)
Download excluding information already downloaded Exclude business card information of which the output finished flag is marked "on" from this download. After a business card has been downloaded once, this output finished flag is set to on.
Do not download business cards of people who do not yet have Personal IDs If the Personal ID value is blank (not issued), then this card will be excluded from the download. This Personal ID is blank until the process Sansan uses to check if this business card is from the same person as another business card already in the system is complete. This process of checking if cards are the same takes about one hour after the business cards have been changed to data.
Do not download business cards of people who do not yet have Company IDs If a Company ID is blank (not issued), then this card will be excluded from the download. This Company ID is blank until the process Sansan uses to check if this business card is from the same company as another business card already in the system is complete. The process of checking if cards are from the same company as other cards takes about one hour after the business cards have been changed into data.


*Cards that are being digitized will not yet have a person ID or company ID.
If “Exclude contacts without personal IDs" or “Exclude contacts without company IDs" is checked, cards including those being digitized cannot be downloaded.


Erase duplicated data

Exclude duplicated Email If the business card selected has the same email address as another card, only the card with the more recent date received will be downloaded.
Group same people together Business cards that have been grouped to the same person, and cards set for multiple positions will be grouped together, and the card with the most recent date received will be used. When different holders have business cards that have the same company name, name, and email address, these will be grouped together, and the card with the more recent date received will be used. (For more information about this process, see here.)
Do not group Download all business cards that have been selected without grouping them.


Kana format


"Use full-width Hiragana
Use full-width Kana
Use half-width Kana"

Download kana representations of company name, name last name, first name, in the format you select.


Date format


"slash (2015/10/19 10:11:22)
hyphen (2015-10-19 10:11:22)"

Download with the selected date format.




Add recent business card information about this person"The more recent business card about this person registered in Sansan will be added at the end of the line and downloaded. This added item will be the same item as the item that had this added to it.
Please be aware that even when the date received is most recent, if the image, the company information, name, importance, date received, contact information, mobile phone number 1 or email address one is marked as private, this card will not be considered the most recent. "
