
Summary of the Details about this person screen / What the most recent card is

Information that is collated about one person can all be viewed in a list. (This screen is the Details about this person screen).

Here we will explain the top, middle, and bottom of this screen.


Top of the screen

At the top, the most recent card of this person will be displayed.


This shows Information about this person, namely, Most recent information about this person, career, and memos.

1. Contact Information: This is the most recent card (most recent date received) of all the cards recognized to be from this person.
2. Icons: You can use these to share contact information via message, copy a person's information, copy the page URL, set a reminder, show location in Google Maps, and print.
*The reminder icon brings up the reminder setup screen (3).
3. Public Profile: If the person has a public profile, their birthday and publicly disclosed information will be shown.
4. Career: Here is displayed the history of card information collated about this person.
5. A message will be displayed if the public profile information is newer than that of the business card.


Middle of the screen

Other Info

Information such as the alma mater or interests of the person in question can be edited or deleted.

This kind of information, the characteristics, the interests, the birthday, the number of people in his or her family, can be very useful for making small talk or selecting presents. All users who can open the Details about this person screen can update this information.

To add information, click on "Edit", add the information to each field, and then click "Save".



Here are displayed all the memos attached to each business card for this person.


Bottom of the screen

Most recent news

Here you are notified of the most recent news about this person or his or her company.



All the tags attached to business cards of this person will be displayed (up to 20 tags can be displayed).



  • The business card with the most recent received date is recognized as the most recent business card.
  • The most recent item of "Company News", "Colleague Updates", and "Contact Updates" will be displayed.

