
Conditions for using IP Address restrictions (Smartphone application)

For access made to Sansan from the Smartphone application , access restrictions can be set based on the IP addresses of the transmissions going through VPN.



When VPN is used, the global IP address set in the proxy server will be used when accessing.
If you register this IP address in Sansan as one permitted access, you can limit access from mobile terminals.

* Transmissions that do not go through VPN cannot be restricted.
* To understand your usage status of VPN, please check with the person in charge of the information system of your company or the company managing it.




Q. Can our company use mobile IP address restrictions?
A. Please check if system restrictions are in use for internet connections from mobile terminals used in your company.

- If you are using VPN connecting
If you can find out the global IP addresses used when connecting to the internet using VPN, and if you set those IP addresses in Sansan, then you can use the function for mobile IP address restrictions.

- If you have introduced an MDM solution
With this solution, when connecting to the internet from a mobile terminal, if it set to use a proxy, and if you set the global IP address of the proxy, then you can use the function for mobile IP address restrictions.

- There are no restrictions in place
In this case, you cannot use the function for mobile IP address restrictions.

- I am not sure
Please check with the person in charge of the information system of your company or the company managing it.


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