
Recommended environments

Our recommended environments for the Web App and Mobile App are as follows:


Web App

In order to optimize security and features, we recommend always using the latest version of each OS and browser.

OS Browser
Windows 10 or later Google Chrome, latest version
Microsoft Edge, latest version
Mozilla Firefox, latest version
Mac OS X or later Google Chrome, latest version
Safari, latest version



  • Beta version browsers are not supported.
  • If you use a function simultaneously on multiple tabs or windows, it may not work properly.



Mobile App

In order to optimize security and features, we recommend always using the latest version of the mobile app.

OS Version
iOS iOS 15.x, 16.x, 17.x
iPhone 6s or later
iPadOS iPadOS16.x, 5th-generation iPad and later, 3rd-generationiPad Air or later, iPad Pro
Android Android 10, 11, 12, 12L, 13, 14




  • It may not be possible to properly use the camera function on some Android devices.
  • On iPad OS, business cards cannot be photographed in split-screen.
  • Stage Manager on iPad OS may affect camera use.
  • The app may not work properly in some environments. If you're having difficulties, please contact us via the contact form and we'll do our best to assist.
  • If the Mobile App does not work on your tablet, please use the Web App .