Whilst the cards are in the process of being digitized, users can view the scanned cards and edit certain details of the cards.
Things to note
- Before digitization is complete, the data displayed is read by OCR (optical character reader) and is subject to change.
- Scanned cards which do not appear under Awaiting Digitization Are likely to be Unreadable Cards. Learn more on how to view unreadable list.
- Following actions can be taken whilst digitization is in process.
- View card images
- Add/edit notes
- Enter/edit date received and importance
- Visibility settings; shared or private
- Add/delete tags
- Setting reminders
- Reports: Register an attendee
- Register in Opportunities
- Click on the email address and use "Send Email".
(See here for more) - Click on the email address and use "Copy Email”.
- Specify as a bulk email recipient
(See here for more on bulk email.) - Only contact owners and users with permissions to update all data can do 2–4.
Steps to take
1. Click on Digitizing then select a card which is Awaiting Digitization.
2. Click Edit.
3. User can add and edit card data. Click onSave.
- Cards not shown under Awaiting Digitization may be treated as Unreadable Cards.