
Explanation of fields in Use Data

Here is an explanation of each item of CSV files that can be downloaded to check Usage Record.



Items in user usage results


'Weekly' means 7 working days, including the first day.
'Monthly' means 30 working days, including the first day.


Item Explanation
Department Department this user belongs to. If they belong to multiple departments, these will be separated by commas.
Department(1st Level) The department the user belongs to at the first level.If they belong to more than one department,these will be shown separted by commas.
Department(2nd Level) The department the user belongs to at the second level.If they belong to more than one department,these will be shown separted by commas.
Dashes are inserted if there is no department at this level.
Department(3rd Level) The department the user belongs to at the third level.If they belong to more than one department,these will be shown separted by commas.
Dashes are inserted if there is no department at this level.
Name Name of the user.
User ID The ID used to identify this user. This is used with functions such as Card import.
Start Using Date The date this user started using the service.
Last Scan Date The most recent date that this user did any of the following:
* Used the Scanner, Mobile App, or Mobile Web App to scan cards.
* Uploaded contacts via the Web App.
* Imported contacts from Eight.
* Used Sansan Open API's Business Card Image Registration.
* Receive virtual card
Last Sign in Date The most recent date that this user logged in to Sansan.
Virtual Card Set Whether the user has set up their Virtual Card.
URL for Virtual Cards already issued. The issuing status of the user's Virtual Card URL is shown.
Status types are as follows.
No: URL has not yet been issued.
Yes (invalid): URL has been issued, but the expiration date or maximum number of times usable was reached.
Yes (valid): URL is available.
Contact Inbox settings Shows whether Contact Inbox is set for the user.
Last download of virtual background. Indicates the usage status of the Virtual Card in the user's virtual background by last download date.
Number of times Virtual Card has been viewed in the last 30 days. Number of times the user's Virtual Card has been accessed by one of the following methods in the past 30 days.
*Access to Virtual Card URLM
*Access via app's QR code
Number of Virtual Cards imported in the last 30 days. Number of Virtual Cards the user acquired within the last 30 days.
Number of Contact Inbox suggestions (Total) Total number of contact suggestions for the user by the counting date.
Includes suggestions Contact Inbox has already created or deleted.
Number of Contact Inbox suggestions (Current) Number of contact suggestions shown as of the user's start date.
This includes suggestions from the last 30 days.
Number of Business Cards Held The total number of cards the user has.
The following are included:
Deleted cards, cards currently being digitized, private cards, newly created cards
cards that were moved from another user to this one, imported cards, cards that could not be read.
Number of Business Cards Scanned The number of cards the user has digitized since the service start date.
It includes all scanned and uploaded cards.
Virtual Cards Imported Total number of Virtual Cards the user has imported. N.B. This is included in the total number of cards imported/digitized.
Number of imports via Contact Inbox (Total) Number of contact suggestions the user has accepted via Contact Inbox as of the counting date.
Contacts that Contact Inbox created are included in the number imported.
Email signature contact creation This is the number of contacts created by users from email signatures as of date of creation
Contacts from email signature are included in the total number of cards imported/digitized.
Overall Usage Rate of Service (Daily) If this user used any of the following on a given day, this is 100%. If not, it is 0%.

* Web App
* Mobile App
* Smartphone Web App
* Scanner App
Overall Usage Rate of Service (Weeky) Average value of this user's overall usage rate over a week.
Overall Usage Rate of Service (Monthly) Average value of this user's overall usage rate over a month.
Business Card Scanning Rate (Daily) If this user scanned cards on a given day, this is 100%. If not, it is 0%.
Business Card Scanning Rate (Weekely) Average value of this user's card scanning rate over a week.
Business Card Scanning Rate (Monthly) Average value of this user's card scanning rate over a month.
Virtual Card Usage Rate (Daily) 0% or 100% depending on whether anyone added the user's Virtual Card on the day of download.
Virtual Card Usage Rate (Weekly) Average of the above daily usage rate over the past 7 days.
Virtual Card Usage Rate (Monthly) Average of the above daily usage rate over the past 30 days.
Contact Inbox Usage Rate (Daily) If the user has created a contact via Contact Inbox on the starting date, 100% will be shown; otherwise 0% will be shown.
Contact Inbox Usage Rate (Weekly) Weekly average of the user's Contact Inbox Usage Rate (Daily).
Contact Inbox Usage Rate (Monthly) Monthly average of the user's Contact Inbox Usage Rate (Daily).
Sign in Rate (Daily) If this user logged into any of the following services on a given day, this is 100%. If not, it is 0%.

* Web App
* Mobile App
* Smartphone Web App
Sign in Rate (Weekly) Average value of this user's sign in rate over a week.
Sign in Rate (Monthly) Average value of this user's sign in rate over a month.
Business Card Sharing Rate (Daily) If this user used business card sharing functions (searching or viewing other users' business cards) in any of the following on a given day, this is 100%. If not, it is 0%.

* Web App
* Mobile App
* Smartphone Web App
Business Card Sharing Rate (Weekly) Average value of this user's card sharing rate over a week.
Business Card Sharing Rate (Monthly) Average value of this user's card sharing rate over a month.
Message Usage Rate (Daily) If this user send or viewed a message in either of the following on a given day, this is 100%. If not, it is 0%.

* Web App
* Mobile App
Message Usage Rate (Weekly) Average value of this user's message usage rate over a week.
Message Usage Rate (Monthly) Average value of this user's message usage rate over a month.
Company Info Usage Rate (Daily)

If this user viewed PC version of company information
(company research page and company master page) in either of the following on a given day, this is 100%. If not, it is 0%.

* Web App
* Mobile App

Company Info Usage Rate (Weekly) Average daily usage for a week.
Company Info Usage Rate (Monthly) Average daily usage for a month.
Reports Usage Rate (Daily) If this user used created or viewed a report in any of the following on a given day, this is 100%. If not, it is 0%.

* Web App
* Mobile App
* Smartphone Web App
Reports Usage Rate (Weekly) Average value of this user's reports usage rate over a week.
Reports Usage Rate (Monthly) Average value of this user's reports usage rate over a month.
Opportunities Usage Rate (Daily) If this user used the opportunities function on a given day, this is 100%. If not, it is 0%.
Opportunities Usage Rate (Weekly) Average value of this user's opportunities usage rate over a week.
Opportunities Usage Rate (Monthly) Average value of this user's opportunities usage rate over a month.
Bulk Email Function Usage Rate (daily) If this user sent or viewed bulk email on a given day, this is 100%. If not, it is 0%.
Bulk Email Function Usage Rate (Weekly) Average value of this user's bulk email function usage rate over a week.
Bulk Email Function Usage Rate (Monthly) Average value of this user's bulk email function usage rate over a month.
API Usage Rate (Daily) If this user used the API function or Salesforce Integration function on a given day, this is 100%. If not, it is 0%.
API Usage Rate (Weekly) Average value of this user's API usage rate over a week.
API Usage Rate (Monthly) Average value of this user's API usage rate over a month.
Smartphone Application Usage Rate (Daily) If this user used the Mobile App on a given day, this is 100%. If not, it is 0%.
Smartphone Application Usage Rate (Weekly) Average value of this user's Mobile App usage rate over a week.
Smartphone Application Usage Rate (Monthly) Average value of this user's Mobile App usage rate over a month.
Account status Inactive users will be indicated as such, otherwise, the field will be left blank.


Sansan Scanner Operation

Item Explanation
Scanner App ID ID used to identify this Scanner App.
Version Application version of this Sansan Scanner.
Time and Date of Last Access Most recent time and date that this Sansan Scanner was used.