Profile Pages

This screen is where you'll see information about yourself, your contacts, and your colleagues. Use it to share contacts and understand internal connections.


PC iPhone Android™


You can use this screen as an internal phonebook. Your system administrator can set it up to add colleagues' contact information – instructions are here.

Trends in business card exchange show areas where your colleagues may have certain strengths or expertise. Use this insight to evaluate if someone may be a good match for you to work with.

Career history can also be viewed here. Your system administrator will need to set this up – instructions are here.



1. Profile picture.

2. Basic information.
If the admin has inactivated a user, a label indicating this will appear above the inactivated user's name.

3. Virtual Card (won't be displayed if your system admin hasn't enabled this feature).
The Virtual Card and its URL will be shown. You can also get URLs for colleagues’ Virtual Cards from this screen if your admin has enabled this function.

4. Self-introduction (up to 200 characters long).

5. Registered contact info.

6. Career (set by system administrator).

7. Keywords represent main attributes of companies with which you've exchanged cards.

8. This shows trends in business card exchange by category.

9. Top ten 10 companies (most cards registered).



Displaying the Profile screen

Hover over or click on the user image/name in the top right, then go to Profile.

Accessing a colleague's Profile
Click on the user's name.


Details (if your contract doesn't include the 'Colleagues' feature)

Use this screen to contact a colleague and request a personal introduction to their contact.

By seeing the numbers of business cards exchanged and the most commonly represented companies, you can get a picture of your colleagues' business efforts and activities.

Career history can also be viewed here. Your system administrator will need to set this up – instructions are here.



1. Profile picture.

2. Basic information.
If the admin has inactivated a user, a label indicating this will appear above the inactivated user's name.

3. Virtual Card (won't be displayed if your system admin hasn't enabled this feature).
The Virtual Card and its URL will be shown. You can also get URLs for colleagues’ Virtual Cards from this screen if your admin has enabled this function.

4. Registered contact info.

5. Career (set by system administrator).

6. Top ten 10 companies (most cards registered).



Displaying the Profile screen

Hover over or click on the user image/name in the top right, then go to Profile.

Accessing a colleague's Profile
Click on the user's name.


The following items are shown.


  1. Profile picture.
  2. user's name
  3. Registered contact info.
  4. Contacts
  5. Virtual Card (won't be displayed if your system admin hasn't enabled this feature).
  6. Top ten 10 companies (most cards registered).


The following items are shown.


  1. Profile picture.
  2. user's name
  3. Registered contact info.
  4. Contacts
  5. Virtual Card (won't be displayed if your system admin hasn't enabled this feature).
  6. Top ten 10 companies (most cards registered).



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*Android is a trademark of Google LLC.

