
Changing a user's phone number and/or carrier

System admins can edit user profiles on the Profile Settings page.





Admin permissions are required to use this function.


Individual editing

Editable fields

  • User icon
  • Self Introduction
  • Contact details
    • Internal, Phone, Company Mobile, Private Mobile
  • Career
    • Start Date, Company, Company (Phonetic), Department, Title, Postal Code, Address, Fax, URL, Name, Name (Phonetic)



1. Click on "Admin Settings", and then "Profile Settings".


2. Click on "Edit" next to the user.


3. Click the "Edit" button for what you want to change. Then click “Save".
You can create or delete career information.
*Only start date, company, department, and title will be shown in the profile.
*If neither the department nor the title are entered, the start date and company also will not be shown.


Bulk editing

Editable fields

  • Self Introduction
  • Contact details
    • Internal, Phone, Company Mobile, Private Mobile
  • Latest information
    • Start Date, Name, Name (Phonetic), Company, Company (Phonetic), Department, Title, Postal Code, Address, Fax, URL
      *Changes are not overwritten and will be stored by start date.



1. Click on "Admin Settings", and then "Profile Settings".


2. Click on "Import from File".


3. Click on "Download File".


Select the delimiter for the CSV file and click to export.


4. To create a CSV file, input the added or changed information and save it.


5. Select the file you created or edited.


6. Check the file contents.
The first few rows will be shown. Check for any issues with the file contents or the delimiter. If you do spot any problems, revise the file and re-upload it.


7. Click on "Start Import".


Related information


