
Start integration with Concur Expense

This feature is a paid option. Please contact our sales team or Sansan Support Center if you would like to use it.

The system admin can set up integration with Concur Expense, which allows sending of business card/contact data from Sansan.
Attendees can then be selected from the data when reimbursing expenses.
This article explains how to use this integration.



Subscriptions for Sansan–Concur Expense integration and for SAP Concur Expense Professional are required in order to use this feature.



The following information is sent:
Full name
Job title
Email address
Card/contact holder
* Once business card/contact data is sent, if it is deleted in Sansan, the change will not be reflected in Concur. Delete business card/contact data within Concur as necessary.



1. Create an attendee type in Concur Expense

  1. Access the admin screen from the top right of the Concur Expense page.
  2. From "Expense Admins" → "Attendees", add a new attendee type to be used in the Concur Expense–Sansan integration.
    * We recommend that you create a Sansan-integration attendee type to distinguish between attendees linked from Sansan and other attendees.
  3. From "Group configurations", activate the attendee type created in step 2.


2. Connect with Sansan within Concur Expense

  1. Access the App Center from the top menu.
  2. Search for the Sansan app and click the “Connect" button.
  3. The Sansan login screen will appear.
  4. The Sansan integration screen will appear. Allow the integration with Concur Expense.


3. Permission to integrate within Sansan

  1. From the menu, go to "Admin settings" → "Integration with other services", and then click the Concur Expense tab.

  2. Put a check by “Allow" to show the column for the attendee type and automatic sending.
    From “Attendee type”, choose the type you created.
  3. Choose whether to allow automatic sending.
    Allowing this will automatically send business card data owned by the user each week.
    Users can be set as preferred.
    (The sending frequency is only a general guideline.)
  4. Click to save.


4. Select users for automatic sending (only if allowing this feature)

Select the users for automatic sending and click “Integrate".
Each user will be linked to the Concur Expense account that matches the Concur Expense ID.


Regarding the Concur Expense ID displayed

By default, the Sansan login email is shown. If the user has specified a Concur Expense ID on the “Settings" screen, that ID will be shown.


Stopping integration

  1. From the menu, go to "Admin settings" → "Integration with other services", and then click the Concur Expense tab.

  2. Remove the check by “Allow" and click to save. All users will be unlinked.


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