
English language business cards, Searching for English language names

There are some cases when depending how you input search conditions, search results will not be displayed for English language business cards or names.
Here we will show you the correct way of doing these searches.

-Our staff will input English language names, as they appear, with spaces, into the family name field.
-Searches by Name will be from what the name field begins with.
-Spaces put into search conditions will be taken as an AND Search.

How to do searches
-The name in the business card is registered as "George Nelson". (English language names will all be input into family names.)


How to do searches (1)
In the search field, type in the name as "GeorgeNelson" without a space. This is the same for Advanced searches.
(Spaces will be interpreted as conditions for AND Searches, and thus the results will not be correct.)


How to do searches (2)
In the search field, input "George". This is the same for Advanced searches.
(As the searches by Name will be from the beginning of the name field, inputting "Nelson" will not get the correct results.)



